There are three ways to determine the market value of your bicycle, wheels or gear:
-If you are shipping an item that was just sold, the market value is the price at which the item sold.
-If you are shipping a personal item, you can determine its value by looking at recent sales for similar items on marketplaces like Pinkbike, eBay or Craigslist. Bicycle Blue Book is a handy value calculator for complete bicycles, based on bike model, make and year.
For current and recent model bikes or frames that are still in production, the market value for a replacement can be obtained directly from the manufacturer or dealer.
When you book a shipment with Bikeflights, you will be required to enter the current “market value” for the contents of your shipment. You will also be asked to select what amount of Premium Protection you would like to purchase.
Both numbers are important because, in the event of loss or damage, the properly packed contents of your shipment will be covered up to the lesser of either the repair or replacement cost up to the specified selected Premium Protection value (if and only if the specified selected value is greater than or equal to the actual market value of the goods). Learn more in our Shipping Policy.