Prices vary widely depending on the size of the box or case in which you are shipping your bike. When you search for international shipping rates, you may be surprised by how much it costs. Rates for any given box or case are significantly more for international shipping than for shipping within the US.
Duties and taxes for commercial shipping are also dependent on the sizing of your case as these fees are partially charged based on the shipping cost of your shipment. You can reduce this tax burden by using a smaller shipping container.
In general, to get the lowest international rates, the size of bike cases and boxes must be no greater than 130 inches (330 cm) where Size = L+(2xW) + (2xH). Note: L=Length, W=Width and H=Height. Watch this video for how to accurately measure and weight your shipment.
While the maximum container size for domestic shipments is 165 Girth Inches (GI), many countries restrict container size to 157 GI (400cm). Please be mindful as you plan your shipment that your bike box or bag must fall under this threshold.
Our international bicycle shipping service offers great convenience relative to taking your bike on the plane. For international travel, it often costs more to ship your bike than to fly with it. However, our Premium Protection program ensures that your bicycle is protected in case of any damage while in transit (as opposed to variable airline policies), and our International Team provides superior customs assistance so you can ship your bicycle stress-free.
Shipping rates vary widely by country. All shipments are subject to duties, taxes, brokerage and other customs fees. In almost all circumstances, Bikeflights' shipping rates include these fees. For some countries, the clearance fees may not be calculated, and our website will notify you of this if so. The recipient is responsible for payment of all customs fees before delivery.
You can find shipping rates 24 hours per day. If you have any questions about the rates you obtain, please contact our Support Team.